Until mid-2018, it was not possible to request a check mark on Instagram, as was possible for a time with Facebook, for example. But in late August this year, the photo and video platform the ability to actively request an account verification through the app. The check mark serves to identify accounts of famous people, celebrities and brands, assuring users and the authenticity of those profiles, that they are actually managed by who they claim to be.
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As in other social networks, Instagram has created the blue seal to prevent the success of platform counterfeits and give additional strength to associated companies and brands. The blue symbol with a white V in the middle appears next to the name of the Instagram account, the search field, and the profile. That way: The little symbol is a source of greed for many users of the tool today, as it represents a higher account status on the social network. Also, having a verified account makes your profile appear at the top of search results, because Instagram understands that account is a "priority." Because of this, many people have been willing to pay Instagram employees fraudulently just to verify the account. But the extra income for some social media employees has decreased as anyone can request verification. I show you how to do it below!
You can request a blue verification badge directly from the app on your mobile phone: Open your Instagram profile and click on the gear symbol, which represents the settings. In the Account part, you will see the option Request verification . Inside the tab, Instagram will ask for your full name and a photo of a document that proves your name, such as an ID, passport, driver's license, or even official business documents like tax returns or recent audiences service accounts. In less than a week you should receive an answer about it. And it may not be positive. We did a test with a personal profile and that was the response we received after 4 days of the request. Basically, Instagram said that the profile could not be verified because it did not meet the verification criteria. If this happens, don't despair: you can request a new verification after 30 days.
Instagram only gives authenticity to profiles that are undoubtedly true. So you need to show this to the tool. Use links from your other social networks and post personal photos or your product (if it is your company profile). If you want the blue stamp so bad, avoid reposting other people's photos (even more uncredited). Posting personal content produced by you or your business, that is, unique and exclusive, helps Instagram to understand you as the true owner of that account and to see you with better eyes.
The rule here is simple: to be liked by Instagram, you must adhere to their home guidelines. This means not using automation tools to gain followers or like multiple photos and make the same comments on multiple posts. Instagram awards for good coexistence and a good experience in the tool. When you have a user who makes hundreds of identical comments on multiple posts and fraudulently gains followers, you can be sure that the app will take this seriously. The same rule applies to spam. This type of behavior that I previously reported is already a form of spam, but there are also users who publish the same post several times a day, thinking that only then will they be able to make all the followers see it. In addition to being wrong about the operation of the algorithm , Instagram does not like this user much either because it does not offer any new content and most likely does not guarantee a good experience for its followers. their feeding
Instagram often reviews the accounts of those who have shown influence in the media in some way, be it on television, YouTube, or newspaper articles, for example. Being known will help you a lot to earn the blue seal in that case. That is why it is very important to strengthen the presence of your brand in other places outside of Instagram. YouTube is still a great place for that! Best of all, produce in the content format that will account for 80% of internet traffic by 2020. Good way to strengthen your presence in the media is to partner. When and if you have the money to invest, feel free to launch a product or offer a service in partnership with a well established company in the market. This is a great way to solidify your image on the market and on Instagram at the same time.
If even after all that you still haven't received the long-awaited blue stamp and are facing fake account issues posing as you, reporting a profile on the platform can help you with that. Visit the profile you want to report, click the three horizontal dots icon in the upper right corner and select Report. Then follow this click path: Inappropriate> I think this account violates the Instagram Community Guidelines> Report Account> This profile is impersonating someone or may be posting intellectual property of my property without permission. After this read incredible article. We are providing best social media services. We offer you to Buy Instagram Auto Likes.